από το 1881 ... στο μέλλον (πρώην 28 Πειραματικά Ολοήμερα Σχολεία & πρώην ΕΑΕΠ)
Τρίτη 23 Φεβρουαρίου 2016
Τρίτη 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2016
Τετάρτη 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2015
Δευτέρα 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2015
Ανακοίνωση 16: Προγραμματισμός χριστουγεννιάτικων εορταστικών εκδηλώσεων
Σας ενημερώνουμε ότι:
Την Τρίτη 22
Δεκεμβρίου 2015 θα πραγματοποιηθεί οε εκκλησιασμό των μαθητών που αναβλήθηκε
λόγω ασθένειας του ιερέα του Ι.Ν. Αγίου Νικολάου. Θα ακολουθήσουν τα κάλαντα στο χωριό από την
χορωδία του Σχολειού με την ευθύνη της μουσικού Άρτεμις Βραχνιά και τη συνοδεία
Την Τετάρτη 23
Δεκεμβρίου 2015 θα πραγματοποιηθεί η χριστουγεννιάτικη γιορτή του Σχολείου μας
από τις τάξεις Α,Β,Γ και Δ στην αίθουσα εκδηλώσεων στις 10:00 π.μ.. Στη
συνέχεια οι μαθητές θα αποχωρήσουν.
Notice 16: Programming Christmas festivities
We inform you that:
1. On Tuesday, December 22, 2015 will be held atthe church attendance of students was postponed due to illness of the priest of the Church Saint Nicola's. There will be Christmas carols in the village by the chorus of school under the responsibility of Artemis raucous music and accompanied by teachers.
2. On Wednesday, December 23, 2015 will be held the Christmas party of our school from classes A, B, C and D in the conference room at 10:00 am .. Then students will leave.
Njoftim 16: Programim festimet e Krishtlindjeve
Ju lutemi të këshilluar që:
1. Të martën, më 22 dhjetor 2015 do të mbahet atthe pjesëmarrja në kishë e studentëve u shty për shkak të sëmundjes së prift i Kishës Shën Nikollës. Nuk do të jetë këngët e Krishtlindjeve në fshat nga ana e korit të shkollës nën përgjegjësinë e Artemis muzikës rreptë dhe të shoqëruar nga mësuesit.
2. Të mërkurën, 23 dhjetor 2015 do të mbahet partinë e Krishtlindjeve e shkollës sonë nga klasa A, B, C dhe D në sallën e konferencave në ora 10:00 .. Pastaj nxënësit do të largohet.
Ανακοινώσεις 2015 - 2016
Πέμπτη 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2015
Τετάρτη 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2015
Εκπαιδευτική επίσκεψη στο Μουσείο Φυσικής Ιστορίας Μετεώρων και στο Μύλο των Ξωτικών
Πραγματοποιήθηκε την Τρίτη 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2015 εκπαιδευτική επίσκεψη στο Μουσείο Φυσικής Ιστορίας Μετεώρων και στο Μύλο των Ξωτικών.
Ήταν μια θαυμάσια μέρα που πέρα από το εκπαιδευτικό ενδιαφέρον ακόμα μεγαλύτερο ενδιαφέρον είχε το ψυχαγωγικό μέρος της.
Ήταν μια θαυμάσια μέρα που πέρα από το εκπαιδευτικό ενδιαφέρον ακόμα μεγαλύτερο ενδιαφέρον είχε το ψυχαγωγικό μέρος της.
Η μέρα ξεκίνησε από πολύ πρωί με τους μαθητές και γονείς να αδημονούν.
Ο θεσσαλικός κάμπος μας υποδέχτηκε μες την ομίχλη και μόνο πλησιάζοντας στα Τρίκαλα ο ήλιος φώτισε το φθινοπωρινό, ακόμα, τοπίο. Μόνο οι πολύ ψηλές κορφές των Αγράφων ήταν σκεπασμένες από τα πρώτα χιόνια.
Ο θεσσαλικός κάμπος μας υποδέχτηκε μες την ομίχλη και μόνο πλησιάζοντας στα Τρίκαλα ο ήλιος φώτισε το φθινοπωρινό, ακόμα, τοπίο. Μόνο οι πολύ ψηλές κορφές των Αγράφων ήταν σκεπασμένες από τα πρώτα χιόνια.
Κατεύθυνση στην Καλαμπάκα και στο μικρό αλλά εντυπωσιακό και πολύ καλά οργανωμένο Μουσείο Φυσικής Ιστορίας και Μανιταριού Μετεώρων.
Στα διοράματα των προθηκών αναπαριστόνταν με λεπτομερή ακρίβεια οι βιότοποι των πτηνών που αποτελεί το κύριο έκθεμα του μουσείου.
Η ξενάγηση μας αποκάλυψε πουλιά που έχουν εξαφανιστεί από χρόνια στην Ελλάδα αλλά και στον κόσμο και αποτελούν τα ελάχιστα τελευταία δείγματά τους.
Αντίστοιχη ήταν και η αίθουσα των μανιταριών, μοναδική στο είδος της στην Ευρώπη.
Η ξενάγηση μας αποκάλυψε πουλιά που έχουν εξαφανιστεί από χρόνια στην Ελλάδα αλλά και στον κόσμο και αποτελούν τα ελάχιστα τελευταία δείγματά τους.
Αντίστοιχη ήταν και η αίθουσα των μανιταριών, μοναδική στο είδος της στην Ευρώπη.
Η συνέχεια ήταν στον Μύλο των Ξωτικών που πέρα από το εκπαιδευτικό ενδιαφέρον ως υδροκινούμενη βιομηχανική εγκατάσταση, η μετατροπή σε ένα απέραντο γιορτινό χώρο μαγνήτισε μικρούς και μεγάλους για όλο το απόγευμα.
Νυχτώνοντας, κατάκοποι αλλά χαρούμενοι, πήραμε το δρόμο της επιστροφής μιλώντας ακατάπαυστα για τις εμπειρίες της μέρας.
Held Tuesday, December 8, 2015 a study visit in Meteora Natural History Museum and the Mill of Elves. It was a wonderful day beyond the educational significance even greater interest was the entertainment part of it.
The day began early in the morning with students and parents are growing impatient.
Our Thessalian plain greeted amid fog and only approaching in Trikala, the sun brightened the autumn, still, landscape.
Only very high peaks of Agrafa were draped from the first snow.
Direction in Kalambaka and the small but impressive and well organized Natural History Museum and Mushroom Meteora.
In dioramas of showcases represented in precise detail the habitats of birds is the main exhibit of the museum. The tour revealed birds have disappeared from years in Greece but also in the world and constitute a minimum for the last samples. Similar was the hall of mushrooms, unique in Europe.
The sequel was the Mill of Elves that beyond the educational interest as ydrokinoumeni industrial installation, conversion to a vast festive space magnetized ages for the whole afternoon.
At night, worn out but happy, we took the road back talking incessantly about the day experiences.
Held Tuesday, December 8, 2015 a study visit in Meteora Natural History Museum and the Mill of Elves. It was a wonderful day beyond the educational significance even greater interest was the entertainment part of it.
The day began early in the morning with students and parents are growing impatient.
Our Thessalian plain greeted amid fog and only approaching in Trikala, the sun brightened the autumn, still, landscape.
Only very high peaks of Agrafa were draped from the first snow.
Direction in Kalambaka and the small but impressive and well organized Natural History Museum and Mushroom Meteora.
In dioramas of showcases represented in precise detail the habitats of birds is the main exhibit of the museum. The tour revealed birds have disappeared from years in Greece but also in the world and constitute a minimum for the last samples. Similar was the hall of mushrooms, unique in Europe.
The sequel was the Mill of Elves that beyond the educational interest as ydrokinoumeni industrial installation, conversion to a vast festive space magnetized ages for the whole afternoon.
At night, worn out but happy, we took the road back talking incessantly about the day experiences.
Held e martë, 8 dhjetor, 2015 një vizitë studimore në Meteora Muzeu i Historisë Natyrore dhe Mill e Elves. Ishte një ditë e mrekullueshme përtej rëndësisë arsimor edhe më i madh interesi ishte pjesa argëtuese e saj.
Dita filloi herët në mëngjes me studentët dhe prindërit janë në rritje të padurueshëm. Plain ynë Thessalian përshëndeti mes mjegullës dhe vetëm afrohet në Trikala, dielli qarta vjeshtë, ende, peisazhit. Vetëm majat shumë të larta të Agrafa u draped nga bora e parë.
Drejtimi në Kalambaka dhe të vogël, por mbresëlënëse dhe të organizuar mirë Muzeu i Historisë Natyrore dhe kërpudha Meteora.
Në dioramas e vitrina të përfaqësuara në detaje të sakta habitatet e zogjve është ekspozita kryesor i muzeut.
Zogjtë turne zbuluar janë zhdukur nga vitesh në Greqi, por edhe në botë dhe përbëjnë një minimum për mostrat e fundit. Ngjashëm ishte salla e kërpudhave, unik në Evropë.
Vazhdim ishte Mulliri i kukudhët që përtej interesit arsimor si instalimin ydrokinoumeni industriale, konvertimi në një hapësirë të madhe festive moshat magnetized për të gjithë pasdite.
Mbrëmje, lodhur por i lumtur, ne e mori rrugën e pasme duke folur vazhdimisht për përvojat ditë.
Ένας συγγραφέας μαζί μας: Διονύσης Λεϊμονής και το 17ο κιβώτιο
Πραγματοποιήθηκε την Παρασκευή 4 Δεκεμβρίου 2015, συνάντηση με τον συγγραφέα Διονύση Λεϊμονή στο φιλόξενο χώρο του ΚΔΑΠ Πορταριάς / Πνευματικό Κέντρο. Συμμετείχαν οι μαθητές της Γ και Δ τάξης στα πλαίσια της φιλαναγνωσίας και καινοτόμου προγράμματος σχετικού με τη Λογοτεχνία και την Ιστορία.
Οι μαθητές, χωρισμένοι σε ομάδες, αλλά και οι εκπαιδευτικοί και τα μέλη του ΚΔΑΠ ακολούθησαν το ταξίδι του "Μέντορα" με οδηγό τον συγγραφέα και σχημάτισαν τις δικές τους εικόνες. Τοπία, θάλασσες, ο Μέντορας, κιβώτια, ουρανοί γαλανοί κι ανταριασμένοι, αρχαίοι θεοί, αγάλματα συνέθεσαν το σκηνικό που πλέχτηκε με τη συνοδεία της μουσικής.
Ήταν το καλύτερο ξεκίνημα για το ταξίδι του προγράμματος που θα ολοκληρωθεί έως το Μάρτιο οπότε θα πραγματοποιηθεί η νέα συνάντηση. Ο δρόμος θα κρύβει πολλές εκπλήξεις που θα παρουσιαστούν σταδιακά.
Η συνάντηση έκλεισε με συνέντευξη που παραχώρησε ο συγγραφέας στην ομάδα της σχολικής εφημερίδας.
Held Friday, December 4, 2015, meeting with the writer Dionysis Leimoni in the inviting KDAP Portaria / Cultural Center. Attended by the students of the third and fourth grade in a love of reading and innovative program related to Literature and History.
Students were divided into groups, but also teachers and members of KDAP followed the journey of the "Mentor" to guide the writer and formed their own images. Landscapes, seas, Mentor, boxes, azure skies and antariasmenoi, ancient gods, statues composed the scene that was knitted to the accompaniment of music.
It was the best start to the journey of the program will be completed by March so the new meeting will take place. The road will holds many surprises that will gradually occur.
The meeting ended with an interview by the writer in the group of school newspaper.
Mbajt të premten, 4 dhjetor 2015, takim me shkrimtarin Dionisis Leimoni në KDAP Portaria / Qendra ftuar Kulturore. Ndoq nga nxënësit e klasës së tretë dhe të katërt në një dashuri e leximit dhe programit inovative lidhur me letërsi dhe histori.
Studentët u ndanë në grupe, por edhe mësues dhe anëtarë të KDAP ndjekur udhëtimin e "Mentor" për të udhëhequr shkrimtarin dhe formoi imazhet e tyre. Peisazhet, dete, Mentor, kuti, qiell i kaltër dhe antariasmenoi, perënditë e lashta, statujat përbërë skenën që ishte thurur në shoqërimin e muzikës.
Kjo ishte fillimi më i mirë në udhëtimin e programit do të përfundojë deri në muajin mars në mënyrë që takimi i ri do të zhvillohet. Rruga Vullneti mban shumë surpriza që do të ndodhin gradualisht.
Takimi përfundoi me një intervistë nga ana e shkrimtarit në grupin e gazetës së shkollës.
Held Friday, December 4, 2015, meeting with the writer Dionysis Leimoni in the inviting KDAP Portaria / Cultural Center. Attended by the students of the third and fourth grade in a love of reading and innovative program related to Literature and History.
Students were divided into groups, but also teachers and members of KDAP followed the journey of the "Mentor" to guide the writer and formed their own images. Landscapes, seas, Mentor, boxes, azure skies and antariasmenoi, ancient gods, statues composed the scene that was knitted to the accompaniment of music.
It was the best start to the journey of the program will be completed by March so the new meeting will take place. The road will holds many surprises that will gradually occur.
The meeting ended with an interview by the writer in the group of school newspaper.
Mbajt të premten, 4 dhjetor 2015, takim me shkrimtarin Dionisis Leimoni në KDAP Portaria / Qendra ftuar Kulturore. Ndoq nga nxënësit e klasës së tretë dhe të katërt në një dashuri e leximit dhe programit inovative lidhur me letërsi dhe histori.
Studentët u ndanë në grupe, por edhe mësues dhe anëtarë të KDAP ndjekur udhëtimin e "Mentor" për të udhëhequr shkrimtarin dhe formoi imazhet e tyre. Peisazhet, dete, Mentor, kuti, qiell i kaltër dhe antariasmenoi, perënditë e lashta, statujat përbërë skenën që ishte thurur në shoqërimin e muzikës.
Kjo ishte fillimi më i mirë në udhëtimin e programit do të përfundojë deri në muajin mars në mënyrë që takimi i ri do të zhvillohet. Rruga Vullneti mban shumë surpriza që do të ndodhin gradualisht.
Takimi përfundoi me një intervistë nga ana e shkrimtarit në grupin e gazetës së shkollës.
Ένας συγγραφέας μαζί μας
Τρίτη 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2015
Όλοι μαζί όλοι καλύτεροι
Ήταν μια χαρούμενη αλλά και συγκινητική συνάντηση μαθητών, εκπαιδευτικών και συνοδών στα πλαίσια της εκδήλωσης για να τιμηθούν οι Παγκόσμιες Ημέρες Δικαιωμάτων του Παιδιού (21/11), Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ατόμων με Αναπηρίες (3/12) και Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Παιδιού (11/12).
Συμμετείχαν το Ολοήμερο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ειδικής Αγωγής Αγριάς, Το Αθανασάκειο Νηπιαγωγείο Πορταριάς και το 1ο Ολοήμερο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Πορταριάς "Ν. Τσοποτός". Μαζί ήταν η ομάδα από τον Συν ΠΕ Ηλιοτρόπια, παιδιά, εθελοντές και συντονιστές από την Άρσις (Κοινωνική Οργάνωση Υποστήριξης Νέων) και τον Ξενώνα της Μακρινίτσας και η ομάδα του ΚΔΑΠ Πορταριάς.
Η εκδήλωση περιελάμβανε καλωσόρισμα, προβολή βίντεο τους πρόσφυγες, ψυχοκινητικά παιχνίδια, εργαστήρια για μικτές ομάδες με αναγνώριση βοτάνων, εικαστικές δημιουργίες, φυτέματα σε κατασκευασμένες γλάστρες από ανακυκλώσιμα υλικά βοτάνων και βέβαια χορό, τραγούδι και φαγητό με ένα πλούσιο μπουφέ που φρόντισαν ο Σύλλογος Γονέων και Κηδεμόνων του Δημοτικού Σχολείου Πορταριάς και η Άρσις.
Όλοι πιαστήκαμε και σχηματίσαμε τον μεγάλο κύκλο της γνωριμίας.
Όλοι μικροί και μεγάλοι χορέψαμε.
'Όλοι φύγαμε γεμάτοι από συναισθήματα, εικόνες και χαμόγελα.
Όλοι μαζί όλοι καλύτεροι.
It was a joyful and touching meeting students, teachers and attendants during the event to honor World Days Rights of the Child (21/11) International Day of Disabled Persons (3/12) and Universal Children's Day (11/12) .
They attended the All Day Primary School Special Education Agria Portaria The Athanassakio Kindergarten and 1st Day Primary School Portaria "N. Tsopotos". Together was the team from the Syn IP Sunflowers, children, volunteers and coordinators from Arsis (Social Support of Youth) and Guesthouse Makrinitsa and his team KDAP Portaria.
The event included a welcome video projection refugees, psychomotor games and workshops for mixed groups to identify herbs, artistic creations, plantations made potting recyclable herbal ingredients and of course dancing, singing and eating with a hearty breakfast that took care of the Parents Association Elementary School Portaria and Arsis.
All we caught out and we formed a large circle of acquaintance.
Everyone young and old danced.
Together we played, we learned, painted, ate and sang.
'All we left full of emotions, images and smiles.
Together we all better.
Ajo ishte një takim i gëzueshëm dhe prekëse nxënësve, mësuesve dhe shoqëruesit gjatë ngjarjes për të nderuar Ditët Botërore të Drejtat e Fëmijës (21/11) Ditën Ndërkombëtare të Personave me Aftësi të Kufizuara (3/12) dhe Ditës Universale të Fëmijëve (11/12) .
Ata morën pjesë në Kopshti gjitha Primary School Day Special Education Agria Portaria Athanassakio dhe Shkolla fillore 1st Dita Portaria "N. Tsopotos". Së bashku ishte ekipi nga Syn IP Sunflowers, fëmijët, vullnetarë dhe koordinatorët nga ARSIS (mbështetjes sociale i Rinisë) dhe bujtinë Makrinitsa dhe ekipin e tij KDAP Portaria.
Veprimtaria përfshinte një mirëseardhje refugjatëve video-projeksionit, lojra psikomotor dhe seminare për grupe të përziera për të identifikuar herbs, krijime artistike, plantacione bërë potting përbërës bimor të riciklueshme dhe të vallëzimi natyrisht, duke kënduar dhe duke ngrënë me një mëngjes të përzemërt që mori kujdesin e Shoqatës së Prindërve Shkolla Fillore Portaria dhe Arsis.
Të gjithë ne të kapur jashtë dhe kemi formuar një rreth të madh të njohurit.
Gjithkush rinj dhe të vjetër kërcenin.
Së bashku kemi luajtur, kemi mësuar, pikturuar, hëngri dhe këndoi.
"Të gjithë ne e kemi lënë plot emocione, imazhe dhe buzëqesh.
Së bashku ne të gjithë më mirë.
It was a joyful and touching meeting students, teachers and attendants during the event to honor World Days Rights of the Child (21/11) International Day of Disabled Persons (3/12) and Universal Children's Day (11/12) .
They attended the All Day Primary School Special Education Agria Portaria The Athanassakio Kindergarten and 1st Day Primary School Portaria "N. Tsopotos". Together was the team from the Syn IP Sunflowers, children, volunteers and coordinators from Arsis (Social Support of Youth) and Guesthouse Makrinitsa and his team KDAP Portaria.
The event included a welcome video projection refugees, psychomotor games and workshops for mixed groups to identify herbs, artistic creations, plantations made potting recyclable herbal ingredients and of course dancing, singing and eating with a hearty breakfast that took care of the Parents Association Elementary School Portaria and Arsis.
All we caught out and we formed a large circle of acquaintance.
Everyone young and old danced.
Together we played, we learned, painted, ate and sang.
'All we left full of emotions, images and smiles.
Together we all better.
Ajo ishte një takim i gëzueshëm dhe prekëse nxënësve, mësuesve dhe shoqëruesit gjatë ngjarjes për të nderuar Ditët Botërore të Drejtat e Fëmijës (21/11) Ditën Ndërkombëtare të Personave me Aftësi të Kufizuara (3/12) dhe Ditës Universale të Fëmijëve (11/12) .
Ata morën pjesë në Kopshti gjitha Primary School Day Special Education Agria Portaria Athanassakio dhe Shkolla fillore 1st Dita Portaria "N. Tsopotos". Së bashku ishte ekipi nga Syn IP Sunflowers, fëmijët, vullnetarë dhe koordinatorët nga ARSIS (mbështetjes sociale i Rinisë) dhe bujtinë Makrinitsa dhe ekipin e tij KDAP Portaria.
Veprimtaria përfshinte një mirëseardhje refugjatëve video-projeksionit, lojra psikomotor dhe seminare për grupe të përziera për të identifikuar herbs, krijime artistike, plantacione bërë potting përbërës bimor të riciklueshme dhe të vallëzimi natyrisht, duke kënduar dhe duke ngrënë me një mëngjes të përzemërt që mori kujdesin e Shoqatës së Prindërve Shkolla Fillore Portaria dhe Arsis.
Të gjithë ne të kapur jashtë dhe kemi formuar një rreth të madh të njohurit.
Gjithkush rinj dhe të vjetër kërcenin.
Së bashku kemi luajtur, kemi mësuar, pikturuar, hëngri dhe këndoi.
"Të gjithë ne e kemi lënë plot emocione, imazhe dhe buzëqesh.
Së bashku ne të gjithë më mirë.
Πέμπτη 26 Νοεμβρίου 2015
Όλοι μαζί όλοι καλύτεροι
Σας ενημερώνουμε
ότι με αφορμή τις Παγκόσμιες Ημέρες για τα Δικαιώματα του Παιδιού (20/11),
Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ατόμων με Αναπηρία (3/12) και Παγκόσμια Ημέρα του Παιδιού
(11/12) πραγματοποιείται εκδήλωση με τίτλο «Όλοι
μαζί όλοι καλύτεροι» και συμμετοχή των: ΚΕΚΠΑ ΔΙΕΚ (ΚΔΑΠ Πορταριάς, Συν.
ΠΕ Ηλιοτρόπια), Άρσις (Κοινωνική Οργάνωση Υποστήριξης Νέων), Ολοήμερο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ειδικής Αγωγής Αγριάς,
Νηπιαγωγείο Πορταριάς, 1ο Ολοήμερο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Πορταριάς
«Ν. Τσοποτός», Σύλλογος Γονέων και Κηδεμόνων Δημοτικού Σχολείου Πορταριάς στο
Πνευματικό Κέντρο Πορταριάς την Παρασκευή 27/11/2015 από 10:00 έως 12:00.
Η εκδήλωση
περιλαμβάνει εργαστήρια και δραστηριότητες με μεικτές ομάδες μαθητών, ακροάσεις
μουσικής και μικρή δεξίωση για όλα τα παιδιά.
Together we all better
Please be informed that on the occasion of the International Day for the Rights of the Child (20/11) International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3/12) and International Children's Day (11/12) event is entitled "Together we can better" and participation: KEKPA DIEK (KDAP Portaria Plus. IP Sunflowers), Arsis (Social Support of Youth) Day Primary School Special Education Agria Portaria Kindergarten, 1st Day Primary School Portaria "N. Tsopotos' Parents Association Primary School Portaria Portaria at the Cultural Center Friday 11/27/2015 from 10:00 to 12:00.
The event includes workshops and activities with mixed groups of students, music auditions and small reception for all children.
Së bashku ne të gjithë më mirë
Ju lutemi të informohet se me rastin e Ditës Ndërkombëtare për të Drejtat e Fëmijës (20/11) Dita Ndërkombëtare e Personave me Aftësi të Kufizuara (3/12) dhe Dita Ndërkombëtare e Fëmijëve (11/12) ngjarje titullohet "Së bashku ne mund të më mirë" dhe Pjesëmarrja: KEKPA DIEK (. KDAP Portaria Plus IP Sunflowers), Arsis (Mbështetja sociale i Rinisë) Shkolla fillore Day Kindergarten Special Education Agria Portaria, 1st Dita Shkolla fillore Portaria "N. Tsopotos 'Shkolla fillore Shoqatat e Prindërve Portaria Portaria në Qendrën e Kulturës e premte 2015/11/27 nga ora 10:00 deri në ora 12:00.
Ngjarja përfshin seminare dhe aktivitete me grupe të përziera të nxënësve, audicionet e muzikës dhe pritjen e vogël për të gjithë fëmijët.
Πέμπτη 19 Νοεμβρίου 2015
Ανακοίνωση 8: Συγκέντρωση ειδών πρώτης ανάγκης, ευχαριστήριο, Ομάδα Κουκλοθέατρου
1. Σας ενημερώνουμε ότι παραλάβαμε δύο έγγραφα από την Περιφέρεια Εκπαίδευσης Θεσσαλίας σχετικά με τη συγκέντρωση ειδών για την ενίσχυση των προσφύγων που συρρέουν στη Λέσβο όσο και εκείνων στην Ειδομένη. Το Σχολείο μας καλεί τους γονείς που έχουν τη δυνατότητα να προσφέρουν είδη άμεσης ανάγκης, όπως ζεστός ρουχισμός και κυρίως πανωφόρια, πουλόβερ, σκουφιά, γάντια, παπούτσια, συσκευασμένα τρόφιμα μακράς διάρκειας και άμεσης κατανάλωσης όπως ξηρά τροφή, μπισκότα, φάρμακα κλπ. (υπάρχουν λεπτομερείς καταστάσεις στο Σχολείο) να τα στέλνουν στο Σχολείο όπου θα ομαδοποιούνται και θα κατευθύνονται προς τους φορείς που συντονίζουν το έργο.
2. Θεωρούμε ελάχιστο χρέος μας, ως Σύλλογος Διδασκόντων, να ευχαριστήσουμε του γονείς που συμμετέχουν στις εργασίες συντήρησης και ανακαίνισης των χώρων του Σχολείου για την αμέριστη βοήθεια τους και τους χρόνους που διαθέτουν ώστε να εξασφαλιστεί ένα όμορφο και υγιεινό περιβάλλον στους μαθητές μας. Επειδή για πολλά χρόνια το Σχολείο μας δεν έχει συντηρηθεί, το έργο αυτό έχει πέσει στις πλάτες των εκπαιδευτικών και γονέων που προσπαθούν με πενιχρά μέσα να καλύψουν όλες τις ανάγκες που παρουσιάζονται.
3. Στα πλαίσια των κοινών δράσεων Σχολείου και Γονέων έχει υποβληθεί από γονείς πρόταση για τη δημιουργία ομάδας κουκλοθεάτρου. Η ομάδα θα αναλάβει την οργάνωση παραστάσεων από τους συμμετέχοντες γονείς που θα παρουσιάζονται στους μαθητές μας, σε άλλα σχολεία, ιδρύματα με παιδιά και στο ευρύ κοινό. Όλη δράση θα πραγματοποιείται εκτός ωρών σχολικού προγράμματος και θα τη συνδράμουν το ΚΔΑΠ Πορταριάς – κατασκευή κούκλας, εκπαιδευτικοί του Σχολείου μας – επιλογή έργων, συγγραφή κειμένων, σκηνικά κλπ . Καλούνται όσοι γονείς επιθυμούν να συμμετέχουν να επικοινωνήσουν με το Σχολείο για περισσότερες πληροφορίες. (Συντονιστής: Καραγιαννέλου Ιωάννα, δασκάλα – γονέας).
Announcement 8: Concentration of relief items, thank you, Puppet Group
1. Please be advised that we received two documents from Thessaly Region Education on the concentration of species to reinforce refugees who flock to Lesvos and those in Idomeni. Our School invites parents who are able to provide immediate relief items such as warm clothing, especially coats, sweaters, hats, gloves, shoes, put long-term and immediate food like dry food, biscuits, medicines, etc. (No detailed situations at school) to send them to school where they will be grouped and routed to the bodies that coordinate the project.
2. We consider it our little debt as Teachers' Association, to thank the parents who participate in the maintenance and refurbishment of the premises of the School for their continuous assistance and times have to ensure a beautiful and healthy environment for our students. Because for many years our school has not been preserved, this work has fallen on the shoulders of teachers and parents trying with limited means to meet all the needs presented.
3. Within the framework of joint actions School and Parents presented by parents proposal to create a group of puppet. The team will be responsible for organizing performances by participants parents that will be presented to our students, other schools, institutions for children and the general public. All action takes place outside school hours program and will assist the KDAP Portaria - construction doll teachers of our School - project selection, text writing, props etc. They are called parents who wish to participate should contact the school for more information. (Moderator: Ioanna Karagiannelou teacher - parent).
Lajmërim 8: Përqendrimi i artikujve të ndihmave, faleminderit, Kukullave Grupi
1. Ne pranojmë marrjen e dy dokumenteve nga rajoni Thesalisë Arsimit në përqendrimin e specieve për të përforcuar refugjatët që dynden në Lesvos dhe atyre në Idomeni. Shkolla jonë i fton prindërit të cilët janë në gjendje të ofrojnë sende të menjëhershme ndihma të tilla si veshje të ngrohtë, sidomos veshjet, sweaters, kapele, dorashka, këpucë, vendos afatgjatë dhe ushqim të menjëhershëm si ushqim të thatë, biskota, ilaçe, etj (Jo i detajuar situata në shkollë) për të dërguar ata në shkollë ku ata do të grupohen dhe dërgoheshin në organet që koordinuar projektin.
2. Ne e konsiderojmë atë borxhin tonë të vogël, si Shoqata e Mësuesve, të falënderoj prindërit të cilët marrin pjesë në mirëmbajtjen dhe renovimin e lokaleve të Shkollës për ndihmën e tyre të vazhdueshme dhe kohë duhet për të siguruar një mjedis të bukur dhe të shëndetshëm për nxënësit tanë. Sepse për shumë vite shkolla jonë nuk është ruajtur, kjo punë ka rënë mbi supet e arsimtarëve dhe prindërve duke u përpjekur me mjete të kufizuara për të përmbushur të gjitha nevojat e paraqitura.
3. Në kuadër të veprimeve të përbashkëta shkollës dhe prindërve të paraqitura nga prindërit propozimin për të krijuar një grup të kukull. Ekipi do të jetë përgjegjës për organizimin e shfaqjeve nga pjesëmarrësit prindërve që do të paraqitet për nxënësit tanë, shkollave të tjera, institucione për fëmijë dhe publikun e gjerë. Të gjitha veprim do të bëhet jashtë shkollës orë program dhe do të ndihmojë KDAP Portaria - mësuesit kukull ndërtimi i shkollës sonë - Përzgjedhja e projektit, shkruani tekst, props etj Ata janë quajtur prindërit të cilët dëshirojnë të marrin pjesë duhet të kontaktoni shkollën për më shumë informacion. (Moderator: Ioanna Karagiannelou mësues - prindër).
Στο Μουσείο Φυσικής Ιστορίας Βόλου
πλαίσια των προγραμμάτων του Μουσείου Φυσικής Ιστορίας Βόλου πραγματοποιείται την Πέμπτη 19 Νοεμβρίου 2015 εκπαιδευτική επίσκεψη για τους μαθητές της Ε και
ΣΤ τάξεων. Το πρόγραμμα περιλαμβάνει ευαισθητοποίηση των μαθητών από ειδικό συνεργάτη του Μουσείου στο Σχολείο και κατόπιν επίσκεψη στο χώρο του Μουσείου.
As part of the programs of the Museum of Natural History Volos place Thursday, November 19, 2015 a study visit for students of the fifth and sixth classes. The program includes awareness of students of special partner of the Museum of the School and then visit to the Museum.
Si pjesë e programeve të Muzeut të Historisë Natyrore vendit Volos E enjte, nëntor 19, 2015 një vizitë studimore për studentët e klasave të pestë dhe të gjashtë. Programi përfshin ndërgjegjësimin e studentëve të partnerit të veçantë të Muzeut të Shkollës dhe pastaj do të vizitojë në Muzeun.
Δευτέρα 9 Νοεμβρίου 2015
Εκπαιδευτική επίσκεψη στην Αθήνα και Πειραιά
Πραγματοποιήθηκε την Παρασκευή 6 Νοεμβρίου 2015 η προγραμματισμένη εκπαιδευτική επίσκεψη στην Αθήνα, στη Βουλή των Ελλήνων. Το πρόγραμμα περιελάμβανε επίσης επίσκεψη και ξενάγηση στο Ναυτικό Μουσείο Ελλάδας καθώς και επίσκεψη και ξενάγηση στο Μουσείο του Ολυμπιακού και στο γήπεδο Καραϊσκάκη.
Οι συμμετέχοντες μαθητές, γονείς και εκπαιδευτικοί, με σύμμαχο τον πολύ καλό καιρό, επισκέφθηκαν και γνώρισαν χώρους και ενθυμήματα που συνδέονται με την ιστορία, τον πολιτισμό και τον αθλητισμό αλλά και την σύγχρονη εποχή.
Held Friday, November 6, 2015 the planned study visit to Athens, the Greek Parliament. The program also included a visit and tour of the Maritime Museum of Greece and visit and tour of the Museum of the Olympic FC and Karaiskaki.
Participating pupils, parents and teachers, in alliance with the good weather, visited and experienced places and memorabilia related to the history, culture and sport and the modern era.
Ka mbajtur e premte, 6 nëntor, 2015 vizita e planifikuar studimore në Athinë, në Parlamentin grek. Programi gjithashtu përfshinte një vizitë dhe turne në Muzeun Detar të Greqisë dhe për të vizituar dhe turne i Muzeut të olimpik fc dhe Karaiskaki.
Pjesëmarrja nxënësit, prindërit dhe mësuesit, në aleancë me mot të mirë, ka vizituar dhe vende me përvojë dhe relikeve të bëjnë me historinë, kulturën dhe sportin dhe epokën moderne.
Held Friday, November 6, 2015 the planned study visit to Athens, the Greek Parliament. The program also included a visit and tour of the Maritime Museum of Greece and visit and tour of the Museum of the Olympic FC and Karaiskaki.
Participating pupils, parents and teachers, in alliance with the good weather, visited and experienced places and memorabilia related to the history, culture and sport and the modern era.
Ka mbajtur e premte, 6 nëntor, 2015 vizita e planifikuar studimore në Athinë, në Parlamentin grek. Programi gjithashtu përfshinte një vizitë dhe turne në Muzeun Detar të Greqisë dhe për të vizituar dhe turne i Muzeut të olimpik fc dhe Karaiskaki.
Pjesëmarrja nxënësit, prindërit dhe mësuesit, në aleancë me mot të mirë, ka vizituar dhe vende me përvojë dhe relikeve të bëjnë me historinë, kulturën dhe sportin dhe epokën moderne.
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