Την Πέμπτη 16-10-2014 από τις 12:00 μ.μ. έως τις 14:00 μ.μ. θα πραγματοποιηθεί δραστηριότητα σε σχέση με το υγιεινό ελληνικό πρωινό, στην οποία θα συμμετέχουν οι τάξεις Α,Β,Γ και Δ. Η δραστηριότητα θα περιλαμβάνει ομιλία από τη διατροφολόγο / διαιτολόγο Μαρία Καλαφάτη με παράλληλη προβολή σχετικού υλικού στο Σχολείο και βιωματικών εργαστηρίων παρασκευής πρωινού - με την εμψύχωση των υπευθύνων του εστιατορίου Κρίτσα - με λιόψωμο, τυρόψωμο και μπάρες δημητριακών από τους μαθητές, τα οποία θα καταναλωθούν από τους ίδιους. Το πρόγραμμα της υπόλοιπης ημέρας θα πραγματοποιηθεί κανονικά.
Announcement 5: World Food Day
On Thursday 16/10/2014 from 24:00 until 14:00 activity will take place in connection with the wholesome Greek breakfast, involving classes A, B, C and D. activity will include a speech by nutritionist / dietitian Maria Kalafatis while viewing material related to school and experiential workshops preparing breakfast - with the encouragement of responsible restaurant Kritsa - with olive bread, cheese bread and cereal bars from the students, which will be consumed by them. The program in the extent of the rest of the day will take place normally.
Lajmërim 5: Dita Botërore e Ushqimit
Të enjten 16/10/2014 nga 24:00 deri në ora 14:00 Aktiviteti do të zhvillohet në lidhje me mëngjes të shëndetshëm grek, që përfshin klasa A, B, C dhe D. aktivitet do të përfshijë një fjalim nga diete / dietës Maria Kalafatis ndërsa material shikimin e lidhur me shkollën dhe punëtori experiential përgatitjen mëngjes - me inkurajimin e restorantit përgjegjës Kritsa - me bukë ulliri, bukë djathë dhe bare drithërave nga studentët, të cilët do të jenë të konsumuar prej tyre. Pjesa tjetër e programit të ditës do të zhvillohet normalisht.
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