Πέμπτη 25 Απριλίου 2013

Ανακοίνωση 55: Ευχαριστήριο

Ο  Σύλλογος Γονέων και Κηδεμόνων θέλει να ευχαριστήσει όλους όσους προσφέρανε στην προσπάθεια που κάναμε για τη δημιουργία και πώληση των πασχαλινών λαμπάδων. Το ποσό που συγκεντρώθηκε ενίσχυσε το ταμείο του Συλλόγου μας. Οι λαμπάδες που δεν πουλήθηκαν θα δοθούν στους άστεγους του Βόλου μέσω του ΚΕΚΠΑ – ΔΙΕΚ. Ευχαριστίες και στους γονείς που συνέβαλαν στο βάψιμο των αυγών και στη δημιουργία των πασχαλινών τσουρεκιών.
Ευχόμαστε σε όλους Καλή Ανάσταση με υγεία και χαρά.
Το Δ.Σ. του Συλλόγου Γονέων

Announcement 55: Thank You

The Parents Association would like to thank everyone who offered in the effort we made for the creation and sale of Easter candles. The amount raised was strengthened its fund collection. The bulbs are not sold will be donated to the homeless of Volos via KEKPA - DIEK. Thanks to the parents who helped paint the eggs and creating the Easter brioche.
We wish everyone a Happy Resurrection with health and joy.
The Board the Parents Association

Lajmërim 55: Thank You

Shoqata e Prindërit do të doja të falënderoj të gjithë që ka ofruar në përpjekje kemi bërë për krijimin dhe shitjen e qirinj Pashkëve.Shuma e ngritura u forcua koleksionin e saj të fondit. Llamba nuk janë shitur do t'i dhurohen të pastrehët e Volos nëpërmjet KEKPA - DIEK. Në sajë të prindërve, të cilët ndihmuan të pikturuar vezët dhe krijimin e brioche Pashkëve.
Ne dëshirojmë të gjithëve një Ngjalljen i lumtur me shëndet dhe gëzim.
BordiShoqata e Prindërit

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