Το πρόγραμμα "Γνωρίζω τον τόπο μου μέσα από τους ανθρώπους του ..."
υλοποιείται στην Δ' τάξη στα πλαίσια του μαθήματος Μελέτη του
Περιβάλλοντος για το σχολικό έτος 2012 -2013. Το πρόγραμμα βασίζεται στη
βιωματική μάθηση και οργανώνεται με τη μέθοδο project. Στην εξέλιξη του
προγράμματος εμπλέκονται πέρα από τους εκπαιδευτικούς του σχολείου μας
και φορείς όπως σύλλογοι από διάφορετικά μέρη της Ελλάδας ή άτομα από
τις αντίστοιχες περιοχές.
Η δράση αφορά την τρίτη ενότητα που
αναφέρεται στην Ήπειρο με προσκεκλημένη στην πρώτη συνάντηση την εκπαιδευτικό Νταίση Ευαγγέλου και θα
πραγματοποιηθεί την Τρίτη 29/1/2013, στις 10:30 στην αίθουσα της Δ τάξης. Στην παρουσίαση θα παρουσιαστούν ήθη κι έθιμα της Ηπείρου, και συγκεκριμένα του νομού Ιωαννίνων, συνταγές, παραδοσιακοί χοροί και φορεσιές του τόπου καθώς και φωτογραφικό υλικό.
"Unë e di vendin tim nëpërmjet njerëzve të saj ..." zbatuar në klasën e katërt për Studime Mjedisore kurs për vitin akademik 2012 -2013.Programi është i bazuar në të mësuarit eksperimental dhe projektit të organizuar metodë. Në evoluimin e programit të përfshirë mbi mësuesve të shkollës sonë dhe organeve të tilla si klube nga pjesë të ndryshme të Greqisë apo individë nga rajonet e tyre përkatëse.
Veprim përfshin Pjesa e tretë i referohet kontinentit me një mysafir në takimin e parë arsimore Ntaisi Evangelou dhe do të bëhet të martën në orën 10:30 29/1/2013 në sallën e klasës së katërt.Prezantimi do të paraqitet në sjellje dhe zakoneve të kontinentit, përkatësisht në Prefekturën e Janinës, recipes, vallet tradicionale dhe kostumet e faqes dhe fotografi.
The project "I know my place through its people ..." implemented in the fourth grade for the course Environmental Studies for the academic year 2012 -2013. The program is based on experiential learning and organized method project. In the evolution of the program involved over teachers of our school and bodies such as clubs from different parts of Greece or individuals from their respective regions.
The action involves the third section refers to the Continent with a guest at the first meeting the educational Ntaisi Evangelou and will be held Tuesday 29/1/2013 at 10:30 in the fourth grade hall. The presentation will be presented in manners and customs of the continent, namely the prefecture of Ioannina, recipes, traditional dances and costumes of the site and photographs.
The action involves the third section refers to the Continent with a guest at the first meeting the educational Ntaisi Evangelou and will be held Tuesday 29/1/2013 at 10:30 in the fourth grade hall. The presentation will be presented in manners and customs of the continent, namely the prefecture of Ioannina, recipes, traditional dances and costumes of the site and photographs.
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