ενημερώνουμε ότι, στο πλαίσιο των Χριστουγεννιάτικων εορτών, και συγκεκριμένα
την Τετάρτη 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2012, το σχολείο μας θα παρουσιάσει ένα θεατρικό
έργο, του οποίου τη διασκευή, την επιμέλεια και τον συντονισμό έχει αναλάβει η
κυρία Ιωάννα Χατζηιωάννου, μέλος του Συλλόγου Γονέων και Κηδεμόνων. Παράλληλα,
ο Σύλλογος θα διοργανώσει, στο χώρο της εκδήλωσης, ένα χριστουγεννιάτικο bazaar με αντικείμενα που κατασκεύασαν οι ίδιοι οι μαθητές
αλλά και οι γονείς. Προσκαλούμε λοιπόν όσους θέλουν να συμμετάσχουν στην
προσπάθειά μας αυτή, να επικοινωνήσουν με τα μέλη του Συλλόγου στα εξής
Δήμητρα 6972541283 - Δημοπούλου Θεώνη 6977126645 - Βικιώτη – Χιονίδη Πηνελόπη
6978693931 - Γρυπιώτου Μίτση 6947697218 - Κρυονερίτη Ευτυχία 6944730325 - Μιλάνου
Χρύσα 6978023809 - Χατζηιωάννου Ιωάννα 6937065490
υπενθυμίζουμε επίσης ότι όσοι επιθυμούν να έρθουν στην εκδρομή στον «Μύλο των
Ξωτικών» θα πρέπει να δηλώσουν συμμετοχή άμεσα στην εκπαιδευτικό της τάξης
Γονέων και Κηδεμόνων
Σχολείου Πορταριάς “Ν. Τσοποτός”
Announcement 22: Updates
Please be advised that as part of Christmas celebrations, namely Wednesday, December 19, 2012, our school will present a play, whose adaptation, editing and coordination undertaken by Ms Joanna Hatzioannou member of the Association of Parents and Guardians. Meanwhile, the Association will organize the venue, a Christmas bazaar with objects built by the students themselves and their parents. We invite those who wish to participate in our effort to communicate with the members of the Association at the following numbers:
Mutu Demeter 6972541283 - 6977126645 Dimopoulou Theoni - Vikioti - Hionidis Penelope 6978693931 - Grypiotou Mitsi 6947697218 - 6944730325 Kryoneriti Happiness - Milan Chryssa 6978023809 - 6937065490 Joanna Chatziioanou
Also remember that those who want to come to tour the "Mill of Elves" should register directly to the class teacher.
Parents and Guardians
Elementary School Portarias "N. Tsopotos "
Please be advised that as part of Christmas celebrations, namely Wednesday, December 19, 2012, our school will present a play, whose adaptation, editing and coordination undertaken by Ms Joanna Hatzioannou member of the Association of Parents and Guardians. Meanwhile, the Association will organize the venue, a Christmas bazaar with objects built by the students themselves and their parents. We invite those who wish to participate in our effort to communicate with the members of the Association at the following numbers:
Mutu Demeter 6972541283 - 6977126645 Dimopoulou Theoni - Vikioti - Hionidis Penelope 6978693931 - Grypiotou Mitsi 6947697218 - 6944730325 Kryoneriti Happiness - Milan Chryssa 6978023809 - 6937065490 Joanna Chatziioanou
Also remember that those who want to come to tour the "Mill of Elves" should register directly to the class teacher.
Parents and Guardians
Elementary School Portarias "N. Tsopotos "
Lajmërim 22: Updates
Ju lutemi të këshilluar se si pjesë e festimeve të Krishtlindjeve, përkatësisht e mërkurë, dhjetor 19, 2012, shkolla jonë do të paraqesë një dramë, të cilit përshtatja, redaktimi dhe koordinimi i ndërmarrë nga Znj anëtar Joanna Hatzioannou i Shoqatës së Prindërve dhe kujdestarët . Ndërkohë, Shoqata do të organizojë vendin, një pazar Krishtlindjeve me objekte të ndërtuara nga vetë nxënësit dhe prindërit e tyre. Ne ftojmë ata që dëshirojnë të marrin pjesë në përpjekjet tona për të komunikuar me anëtarët e Shoqatës në numrat e mëposhtëm:
Mutu Demeter 6972541283-6977126645 Dimopoulou Theoni - Vikioti - Hionidis Penelope 6978693931 - Grypiotou Mitsi 6947697218-6944730325 Lumturia Kryoneriti - Milan Chryssa 6978023809-6937065490 Joanna Chatziioanou
Gjithashtu mos harroni se ata që duan të vijnë në turne "Mill e Elves" duhet të regjistrohen direkt në kujdestarin e klasës.
Prindërit dhe kujdestarët
Shkolla Fillore Portarias "N. Tsopotos "
Ju lutemi të këshilluar se si pjesë e festimeve të Krishtlindjeve, përkatësisht e mërkurë, dhjetor 19, 2012, shkolla jonë do të paraqesë një dramë, të cilit përshtatja, redaktimi dhe koordinimi i ndërmarrë nga Znj anëtar Joanna Hatzioannou i Shoqatës së Prindërve dhe kujdestarët . Ndërkohë, Shoqata do të organizojë vendin, një pazar Krishtlindjeve me objekte të ndërtuara nga vetë nxënësit dhe prindërit e tyre. Ne ftojmë ata që dëshirojnë të marrin pjesë në përpjekjet tona për të komunikuar me anëtarët e Shoqatës në numrat e mëposhtëm:
Mutu Demeter 6972541283-6977126645 Dimopoulou Theoni - Vikioti - Hionidis Penelope 6978693931 - Grypiotou Mitsi 6947697218-6944730325 Lumturia Kryoneriti - Milan Chryssa 6978023809-6937065490 Joanna Chatziioanou
Gjithashtu mos harroni se ata që duan të vijnë në turne "Mill e Elves" duhet të regjistrohen direkt në kujdestarin e klasës.
Prindërit dhe kujdestarët
Shkolla Fillore Portarias "N. Tsopotos "
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