Παρασκευή 24 Απριλίου 2015

Εκπαιδευτική λειτουργία από τον Σεβασμιότατο κ.κ. Ιγνάτιο

Μια μοναδική εμπειρία έζησαν οι μαθητές του Σχολείου μας καθώς και του Αθανασάκειο Νηπιαγωγείου Πορταριάς και του Παιδικού Σταθμού Κατηχωρίου με την τέλεση εκπαιδευτικής Θείας Λειτουργίας στον Ι.Ν. του Αγίου Νικολάου Πορταριάς.
Μέσα σε κατανυκτικό κλίμα, στον αναστάσιμα στολισμένο ναό, η τέλεση της θείας λειτουργίας χοροστατούντος του Σεβασμιοτάτου, και των συλλειτουργούντων  αρχιμανδρίτου πατέρα Αγάθωνα, εφημέριου του Ι.Ν. Αγίου Νικολάου, και του αρχιδιακόνου πατέρα Καλλινίκου, εκτυλίχθηκε μπροστά στα μάτια των μαθητών η συμβολική παρουσία του Χριστού στη Γη, που με τις συνεχείς εξηγήσεις του  τους αποκάλυψε το μυστήριο της Θείας Ευχαριστίας. 
Πέρα από την εξήγηση κάθε σημείου της Θείας Λειτουργίας, των αντικειμένων και τι συμβολίζουν, των σε απλή γλώσσα ύμνων και κειμένων ήταν το πατρικό ύφος του Σεβασμιότατου και η απλότητα του που κέρδισε τις καρδιές μικρών και μεγάλων εκκλησιαζομένων. Άλλωστε κι ο ίδιος επέλεξε νάναι ο παππούς όλων μας που μας γεμίζει με την αγάπη του και δεν μας λησμονά στις προσευχές του. 

A unique experience lived our School's students and the Athanassakio Portaria Kindergarten and Kindergarten Katihori to commit educational Divine Liturgy in the Church St. Nicholas Portaria.
Within devout climate to Anastasios adorned temple, the celebration of the Holy Mass celebrated by His Eminence, and sylleitourgounton Archimandrite Father Agathon, curate of the Church St. Nicholas and Archdeacon Father Kallinikos, unfolded before the eyes of students to the symbolic presence of Christ on earth, with the constant explanations revealed the mystery of the Eucharist.
Apart from the explanation of each point of the Divine Liturgy, the objects and what symbolize, the plain language hymns and texts was the paternal style of Eminence and the simplicity that won the hearts of small and large church services. Besides, he himself chose voyage is the grandfather of all of us who fills us with his love and not forgetting us in his prayers.

Një përvojë unike jetuar nxënësit e shkollës sonë dhe Kopshti Athanassakio Portaria dhe Kopshti Katihori të kryejnë Liturgjinë Hyjnore arsimor në Kishë Shën Nikolla Portaria.
Brenda klimës devotshëm ndaj Anastasios tempull stolisur, kremtimin e Meshës së Shenjtë kremtuar nga Shkëlqesia e Tij, dhe sylleitourgounton të arkimandritit Ati Agathon, familltar e Kishës Shën Nikolla dhe Archdeacon Atë Kallinikos, shpalosen para syve të nxënësve në prani simbolike të Krishtit në tokë, me shpjegime të vazhdueshme zbuloi misterin e Eukaristisë.
Përveç shpjegimit të çdo moment të Meshës Hyjnore, objekteve dhe çfarë simbolizojnë, himnet gjuhë të thjeshtë dhe tekste ishte stil nga babai i Eminence dhe thjeshtësi që fitoi zemrat e shërbimeve të vogla dhe të mëdha të kishës. Përveç kësaj, ai vetë zgjodhi fluturim është gjyshi i të gjithë ne që na mbush me dashurinë e tij dhe nuk na harron në lutjet e tij.

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